The 2024 Mobility Grant for Norwegian Language and Literature

Mobility Grant for Norwegian Language and Literature
Mobility Grant for Norwegian Language and Literature

Deadline : March 18, 2024

Applications are open for the Mobility Grant for Norwegian Language and Literature for the year 2024-2025. The mobility grant is dedicated to Master and Ph.D. students studying at a department for Nordic/ Scandinavian studies with an institution outside of Norway.  Eligible applicants must have chosen Norwegian language or Norwegian literature as topic for their dissertation. 

Country Profile:

Norway has a population of just over 5 million and is one of the three Scandinavian countries. Over the years, Norway has been ranked as one of the best countries to live in with the lowest crime rates in the world.

The grant must be used for fieldwork in connection with a Norwegian higher institution of learning and with a Norwegian tutor.  If selected, you will receive the mobility grant for a minimum of one and a maximum of three months. The grant and cover travel to/from Norway, accommodation and living expenses in Norway for this period.


Grants are awarded for a minimum of one and a maximum of three months, and cover travel to/from Norway, accommodation and living expenses in Norway for this period.

The travel grants are determined as follows.

  • NOK 3 000 grant for travel from countries in Europe
  • A NOK 4 500 grant for travel from St. Petersburg and Moscow in Russia
  • NOK 6 000 grant for travel from other cities in Russia, other Eurasia countries and countries outside of Europe

You will also receive a board and lodging grant worth NOK 12 500 per month


  • To be eligible for the grant, candidates must be studying Norwegian language or literature at Master or Ph.d. level
  • The mobility grant is awarded Master and Ph.D. students in countries outside Norway and at institutions with a department for Nordic/Scandinavian studies,
  • Applicants must have have chosen Norwegian language or Norwegian literature as topic for their dissertation.
  • The grant must be used for fieldwork in Norway in connection with the dissertation.


Please follow the steps below in order to apply for the grant

  1. Applicants must draft a project description and contact a tutor and an institution of higher learning in Norway.
  2. You must then complete application form in either Norwegian or English.
  3. Your application must be accompanied by the following documents
    • Request a recommendation letter from your home institution tutor
    • A personal invitation letter from the Norwegian institution

To apply, Click here

For more information, visit the official website here

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