Apply for the ASEM DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program 2020

Apply for the ASEM DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program 2020
Apply for the ASEM DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program 2020
Deadline : October 5, 2020

Apply for the ASEM DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program 2020 Second Round. DUO-Sweden Fellowship Programme was established in 2010 with the aim of promoting exchanges of people between Sweden and 21 Asian countries on a balanced basis. In this respect, DUO-Sweden requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students be exchanged in an academic cooperative arrangement.

DUO-Sweden 2020/2021 is for exchange projects, which will start from December 2020 and end before January 2022 to avoid duplication of implementation period of exchange projects selected by DUO-Sweden in the ensuing years. The selection of DUO-Sweden 2020/2021 is made once a year. The duration of fellowship is limited to one semester (or 4 months, whichever comes earlier).

The educational institution in Sweden applies on behalf of both institutions and people who are to participate in the exchange. Asian institutions in partnership with Sweden institutions shall cooperate fully with Swedish institutions in supplying precise information of Asian applicants. Individuals wishing to take part in exchanges are advised to contact the relevant offices (e.g. International Relations Offices) of the educational institutions to file an application for this program


Benefits for applicants are as below.

  • 3,500 Euros for Asian student and 3,500 Euros for Swedish students in a pair, in high income country.
  • For Middle and Low income countries the Asian student get 4,000 Euros and the Swedish student get 3,000 Euros.

To be eligible, you must fulfill the following criteria

  • You must be coming from one of the following 21 Asian countries, namely: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
  • You must be a students fulfilling the following criteria:
    • Are undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in universities.
    • You shall maintain their “student status” at the time of application until the time they are engaged in the exchange, and the scholarship is only available for those who will study full-time during their exchange period.

Your exchange fulfills all three requirements below:

  • An educational institution in Sweden (home institution) and an educational institution in Asia (host institution) have established an academic cooperative arrangement/inter-institutional agreement; and
  • The Swedish home institution has selected an EU national student enrolled at the home institution to send to the Asian host institution, and such selection has been accepted by the Asian host institution; and
  • The same Asian host institution has selected an Asian student enrolled at the host institution to send to the Swedish home institution, and such selection had been accepted by the same Swedish home institution.

Along side the online application, you will have to also submit the following required documents

  • Filling out an online application Form ONLY
  • A Copy of cooperation agreement (or Memorandum Of Understanding for cooperation) between paired institutions OR declaration of intention to set up new cooperation agreement, signed by Head of Swedish Higher Education Institution
  • A copy of passport of paired applicants
  • A copy of transcript of paired applicants

To apply, Click here

For more information, visit the official website here