Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) Visiting Fellowship

Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) Visiting Fellowship
Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) Visiting Fellowship

Deadline : August 15, 2023.

Apply for the 2023 Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) Visiting Fellowship. With its goal of improving regional and global capacity in science and technology, as well as the desire to improve human livelihoods and wellbeing, and its work towards promoting broader S&T cooperation and communication in the world, ANSO presents the ANSO Visiting Fellowship.

The visiting fellowship program welcomes scholars from around the world to spend time at different research facilities in China. This Fellowship aims to provide these fellows with an opportunity to access high-impact & high-quality mega-science facilities in China. Through these fellowships, Fellows will be equipped with the knowledge and skills, and offered the opportunity to address scientific problems of common interests for both the academia and the society.

Potential fellows are early-career scientists and senior scientists from around the world who are interested in spending time and carrying out research at mega-science facilities in China. ANSO offers two (2) types of fellowships

Visiting Fellowship for Early-Career Scientists

  • This fellowship is dedicated to researchers at an early stage of their career.
  • Fellows can choose a placement period of 3-9 months.
  • Applicants are expected to be post-doctoral fellows, lecturers, or assistant professors.

Visiting Fellowship for Senior Scientists

  • This Fellowship is dedicated to scholars with richer experience in the related fields.
  • Fellows can choose a placement period of 2-3 months.
  • Applicants are expected to be associate professors, professors, or professionals.


Selected fellows will be eligible for the following benefits

Visiting Fellowship for Early-Career Scientists

  • Fellows will be eligible for a monthly financial support worth RMB 20,000.

Visiting Fellowship for Early-Career Scientists

  • Associate professors and post-doctoral fellows will receive RMB 30,000 per month.
  • Professors will be eligible for RMB 40,000 per month.


To apply for the ANSO Visiting Fellowship Programme, you must meet the following conditions.

  • This programme is open to applicants from all countries around the world.
  • Applicants must be ready to travel to China and spend between 2 to 9 months doing research at selected facilities
  • Applicants must have a professional or Academic background, with the right qualification to work at one of the following research facilities.
    • FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope)
    • LAMOST (The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope)
    • EAST (the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak)
    • SHMFF (the Steady High Magnet Field Facility)
    • CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source)
    • BSRF (Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
    • HLS (Hefei Light Source)
    • Shanghai Photon Science Facility Cluster

Visiting Fellowship for Early-Career Scientists

  • Applicants are expected to be post-doctoral fellows, lecturers, or assistant professors.
  • Although researchers outside Academia may also apply, priority will be given to applicants who hold a PhD degree or equivalent professional experience.

Visiting Fellowship for Senior Scientists

  • Applicants for this fellowship must be associate professors, professors, or professionals.
  • Fellows under this category are expected to have richer experience in their field of specialization.


Interested applicants must first identify the Research facility of their choice and should make sure that they posses the required professional and academic background to carry out research at the selected facility. Website links to each of the participating facilities can be found on the programme website.

After identifying the research facility of your choice, you must then gather all the required documentation along with the application letter, which all together must be send directly to the facility you selected. Here below is a list of all the required information

  • Download and fill out the Application Form for ANSO Visiting Fellowship.
  • Provide a Cover letter outlining the your reasons for applying and expectations for spending time at the mega-science facility.
  • Download and complete Brief Research Proposal specifying clearly the research topic of the proposed research. also include details about the analytical framework, literature and methodological approach to be followed.
  • Include your latest Curriculum Vitae
  • Request two (2) Recommendation Letters. These must be sent be sent by referrers directly to the research facilities.

Your application must reach the contact person or office at the research facility you selected by the deadline of August 15, 2023.

To apply, Click here

For more information, visit the official website here